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Seal Rock, California by Albert Bierstadt

Seal Rock, California by Albert Bierstadt  (1830–1902).

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap is an oil painting by Van Gogh. It was done in Nuenen in February 1885. It is kept in Hecht Museum, Haifa, Israel (F138).

Head of a Peasant Woman with Brownish Cap by Van Gogh

Head of a Peasant Woman with Brownish Cap is an oil painting by Van Gogh. It was done in Nuenen in December 1884. It is kept in Dufresne Art Gallery, Paris, France. (F136)

Pablo Picasso by Marius de Zayas

PABLO PICASSO LET me say at the beginning that I do not believe in art criticism, and the more especially when it is concerned with painting. I grant that everyone bas the right to express their opinion in art matters, to applaud, or disapprove, according to their own personal way of seeing and feeling; but I hold that they should do so without assuming any authority,

Equal Rights in the Lecture-Room by Charles Summer

EQUAL RIGHTS IN THE LECTURE-ROOM. Letter to the Committee of the New Bedford Lyceum, November 29, 1845. After accepting an invitation to lecture before the Lyceum at New Bedford, Mr. Sumner, learning that colored persons were denied membership and equal opportunities with white persons, refused to lecture, as appears in the following Letter, which was published in the papers of the time.

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap by Van Gogh

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap is an oil painting by Van Gogh. It was done in Nuenen in January 1885. It is kept in Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. (F135)

The Middle Class Gentleman, by Moliere

THE MIDDLE CLASS GENTLEMAN (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme) By MOLIERE (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673) Translated by Philip Dwight Jones Comedy-Ballet presented at Chambord, for the entertainment of the King, in the month of October 1670, and to the public in Paris for the first time at the Palais-Royal Theater 23 November 1670

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap by Van Gogh

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap is an oil painting by Van Gogh. It was done in Nuenen in March 1885. It is kept in Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France (F134).

She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith

PROLOGUE, By David Garrick, Esq. Enter MR. WOODWARD, dressed in black, and holding a handkerchief to his eyes. Excuse me, sirs, I pray--I can't yet speak-- I'm crying now--and have been all the week. "'Tis not alone this mourning suit," good masters: "I've that within"--for which there are no plasters! Pray, would you know the reason why I'm crying? The Comic Muse, long sick, is now a-dying! And if she goes, my tears will never stop;

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap by Van Gogh

Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap is an oil painting by Van Gogh. It was done in Nuenen in January 1884. It is kept in National Gallery London, the United Kingdom. (F137)

The Blue Star, by Fletcher Pratt

Prologue Penfield twirled the stem of his port-glass between thumb and finger. “I don’t agree,” he said. “It’s nothing but egocentric vanity to consider our form of life as unique among those on the millions of worlds that must exist.” “How do you know they exist?” said Hodge. “Observation,” said McCall. “The astronomers have proved that other stars beside our sun have planets.”